Special Education (SPED) Certificate Course
Course Description
Special education has become an essential area in today’s educational centers that are committed to offering quality learning to students with high abilities or physical and psychic pathologies. The adaptation of schools and the increase in diagnoses of students in special situations have increased the demand for professionals trained to provide a comprehensive education. For this reason, the Filipino Academy has developed this program, with which the graduate will be able to take a step forward professionally and specialize. Additionally, with the methodology offered by this program, combining personal and work life with study will no longer be an obstacle.
The advancement of society and instructive incorporation have carried with them assorted instructive focuses with understudies who have various requirements as indicated by their physical and mental capacities. This has prompted the need to adjust conventional examples to various strategies and didactics that permit understudies to grasp them. Consequently, custom curriculum has become a reality that exists in an ever-increasing number of schools and for which having prepared teachers is vital.
For educators to deal with the way to deal with any understudy with an exceptional need, Filipino Academy has planned this program that offers the most refreshed items on the occasion. For this, the understudy will gain information and abilities going from the development of various sorts of handicaps, through the idea of high capacities to the utilization of new advances here. Hypothetical materials are introduced through improved messages, sight, and sound introductions, practices, directed functional exercises, inspirational recordings, and contextual analyses.
It is a complete program that allows the student to develop in this professional field of high demand and compete among the best for having a high qualification. Additionally, the 100% online methodology of the program allows you to combine work and personal life with learning in a completely self-manageable way.
Increase your professional possibilities thanks to this program and turn your classrooms into (inclusive spaces)
General Objectives
- Design, plan, deliver, and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the center
- Effectively address special needs students’ learning situations
- Recognize the importance of rules in all educational processes
- Promote participation and respect for the rules of coexistence
Module 1. Learning Difficulties
- Provide students with an overview of the Learning Difficulties that can be found in the classroom
- Detect the different difficulties that students may present
- Distinguish the concepts, problems, and Learning Difficulties
- Know the different learning styles and cognitive stylesPrevent Learning Difficulties before they occurIntervening before the different learning problemsModule 2. Behavioral and Learning Disorders in Primary Education
- Know the basic aspects of the most common behavioral and learning disorders in the Primary Education stage
- Emphasize the importance of early detection of behavioral disorders
Module 3. Education of High-Capacity Children
- Be able to identify High-Capacity students
- Understand the family as the fundamental environment for the detection and development of gifted children
- Know the intervention strategies for the development of Highly Gifted students
Module 4. Education of Children with Disabilities or Developmental Difficulties
- Know how to identify the personal educational needs of students with disabilities or developmental difficulties
- Know how to detect warning signs in students with special needs
- Know the importance of the family and the need to carry out shared work between this agent and the school.
Course Outline
1.1. Developmental psychology
1.1.1. Physical or Motor Development
1.1.2. Cognitive Development
1.1.3. Language Development
1.1.4. Emotional development
1.2. Mathematical Learning
1.2.1. Definition and Conceptualization of Learning Difficulties (LD)
1.2.2. Memory and Learning Difficulties
1.3. Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education
1.3.1. The Inclusive School Movement Overcoming School Integration
1.3.2. The Road to a School for All
1.3.3. Promoting Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education
1.4. Learning Difficulties Related to Communication, Language, Speech and Voice Problems
1.4.1. Oral Linguistic Pathology: Problems in the Communicative, Language, Speech and Voice domains
1.4.2. Language Problems
1.4.3. Speech and Articulation Disorders
1.5. Learning Difficulties Related to Reading and Writing
1.5.1. Conceptualization of Dyslexia or Specific Reading Disorder
1.5.2. Characteristics of Dyslexia
1.5.3. Reading Pathways and Types of Dyslexia
1.5.4. Intervention Guidelines for Students with Dyslexia
1.5.5. Other Learning Difficulties Related to Reading and Writing
1.6. Learning Difficulties Related to Mathematics
1.6.1. Conceptualization of the Specific Learning Disorder with Difficulties in Mathematics
1.6.2. Etiology and Course of Difficulties in the Mathematical Field
1.6.3. Types of Specific Mathematics Learning Disorders
1.6.4. Characteristics of Specific Mathematics Learning Disorders
1.6.5. Classroom Intervention Guidelines for Students with Specific Mathematics Learning Disorders
1.7. Intellectual Disability
1.7.1. Intellectual Disability Conceptualization
1.7.2. Detection of Intellectual Disability in the Classroom
1.7.3. Special Educational Needs of Learners with Intellectual Disabilities
1.7.4. Intervention Guidelines in the Classroom for Students with Intellectual Disability
1.8. High Abilities in the Classroom: Keys to Their Identification and Educational Development
1.8.1. Is High Ability an Educational Problem?
1.8.2. The Concept of High-Capacity Students Is It Possible to Define?
1.8.3. Identifying High-Capacity Students
1.8.4. Intervention for High-Capacity Studentsç
1.9. Learning Disabilities Related to Visual and Auditory Sensory Deficits
1.9.1. Visual Impairment
1.9.2. Developmental Characteristics of Infants with Visual Impairment
1.9.3. Special Educational Needs of Visually Impaired Children
1.9.4. Educational Intervention in the Classroom for Students with Visual Impairment
1.9.5. Hearing Impairment
1.9.6. Detection of Hearing Impaired Students in the Classroom
1.9.7. Special Educational Needs of Hearing Impaired Children
1.9.8. Intervention Guidelines in the Classroom for Hearing Impaired Students
1.10. Motor Coordination Difficulties or Dyspraxias
1.10.1. Conceptualization of Motor Disability
1.10.2. Conceptualization of Motor Coordination Difficulties or Dyspraxias
1.10.3. Detection of Dyspraxias in the Classroom
1.10.4. Classroom Intervention Guidelines for Students with Dyspraxias
Module 2. Behavioral and Learning Disorders in Primary Education
2.1. Introduction to Conduct Disorders in Childhood
2.1.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.1.2. DSM-5 and ICD-11 Classifications
2.1.3. Characteristics and Factors of Conduct Disorders
2.1.4. Bibliographical References
2.2. Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
2.2.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.2.2. ADHD: Definition, Prevalence and Diagnostic Criteria
2.2.3. Treatment and Intervention in the Classroom
2.2.4. Bibliographical References
2.3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
2.3.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.3.2. Introduction to Oppositional Defiant Disorder
2.3.3. Risk and Prevention Factors
2.3.4. Educational Intervention for Oppositional Defiant Disorder
2.3.5. Bibliographical References
2.4. Behavioral Alternations in Autism Spectrum Disorder
2.4.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.4.2. Levels of Severity and Diagnostic Criteria
2.4.3. Behavioral Patterns in Autism Spectrum Disorders
2.4.4. Parent Training
2.4.5. Bibliographical References
2.5. Mood Disorders in Childhood
2.5.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.5.2. Childhood Anxiety
2.5.3. Childhood Depression
2.5.4. Child Abuse
2.5.5. Treatment and Intervention in Emotional Disorders
2.5.6. Bibliographical References
2.6. Behavioral Disturbances in Excretory Disorders
2.6.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.6.2. Disorders: Enuresis and Encopresis
2.6.3. Behavioral Guidelines in Cases of Enuresis
2.6.4. Behavioral Guidelines in Cases of Encopresis
2.6.5. Bibliographical References
2.7. Eating and Food Ingestion Disorders
2.7.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.7.2. Pica Disorder
2.7.3. Rumination Disorder
2.7.4. Intervention for Parents and Educators
2.7.5. Bibliographical References
2.8. Sleep-Wakefulness Disorder
2.8.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.8.2. Insomnia
2.8.3. Nightmare Disorder
2.8.4. Didactic Interventions for Sleep and Wakefulness Disorders
2.8.5. Bibliographical References
2.9. Techniques for Contingency Management and Behavior Modification in the Classroom
2.9.1. Introduction and Objectives
2.9.2. Procedures to Increase Behavior
2.9.3. Token Economy
2.9.4. Self-Instructional Education
2.9.5. Bibliographical References
2.10. The Teacher
2.10.1. The Center
2.10.2. The Qualified Teacher
2.10.3. The Creativity and Value of the Teacher
Module 3. Education of High-Capacity Children
3.1. Â Intelligence and Its Meaning
3.1.1. Historical Review of the Concept of Intelligence
3.1.2. Historical Review: Galton and Measurement
3.1.3. Binet and Mental Age
3.1.4. The Transition from IQ to G-factor
3.1.5. Factor Models
3.1.6. New Proposals of Multiple Intelligences
3.2. High-Capacity Students
3.2.1. Definition of High-Capacity Students
3.2.2. The Renzulli Three-Ring Model
3.2.3. Sternberg and His Typology of Giftedness
3.2.4. Socio-Cultural Models
3.2.5. The Global Model of Giftedness
3.3. Characteristics of High-Capacity Students
3.3.1. Basic Differential Characteristics
3.3.2. Specific Characteristics
3.3.3. Peculiarities of Development: Dyssynchrony
3.4. Talented Students
3.4.1. Definition of Talented Students
3.4.2. Castelló and the Three Types of Talent
3.4.3. Multiple Intelligences and Talented Students
3.5. Identification of High-Capacity Individuals
3.5.1. Identification: First Approach
3.5.2. Identification Problems
3.5.3. Identification Assumptions
3.6. Educational Intervention with High-Capacity Individuals
3.6.1. Diversity: A Basic Premise
3.6.2. Educational Action Steps
3.6.3. Areas of Intervention
3.6.4. Intervention Strategies I: Acceleration
3.6.5. Intervention Strategies II: Grouping
3.6.6. Intervention Strategies III: Enrichment
3.6.7. Other Educational Strategies
3.6.8. Specific Strategies for Talented Students
3.6.9. Star Program: An Example of Integration
3.7. Proposal for Enrichment and Development of Creativity
3.7.1. Enrichment: The Strategy
3.7.2. Triadic Enrichment Model
3.7.3. Enrichment of the Structure-Context of Learning
3.7.4. Types of Curricular Adaptations
3.7.5. Extracurricular Enrichment
3.7.6. Creativity
3.8. New Technologies and New Developmental Possibilities for the High- Cone Capacity Learner
3.8.1. New Technologies ICT
3.8.2. Video Games
3.8.3. Role-Playing Board Games
3.8.4. Gestalt and Art
3.9. International Prospective on High-Capacity Education
3.9.1. Five Countries, Three Continents Faced with Giftedness
3.9.2. Opportunity and Background of High-Capacity Women
3.9.3. The Need for Care of High-Capacity Girls
3.9.4. Education and the Structural Barriers Affecting High-Capacity Girls
3.9.5. Recommendations for High-Capacity Girls
3.10. The Family of High-Capacity Students
3.10.1. The Family and their Relationship with School
3.10.2. The Family
3.10.3. Family-school Relationship
3.10.4. Siblings and Partners: Relationships and Identification
Module 4. Education of Children with Disabilities or Developmental Difficulties
4.1. The School Facing the Education of a Child with Personal Educational Needs: Attention to Diversity
4.1.1. From the School of Segregation to the Comprehensive and Inclusive School
4.1.2. Educational Response to Diversity in a Comprehensive School of Pre-school and Primary Education
4.1.3. Diversity Care Plan
4.2. The Family in the Education of a Child with Personal Educational Needsç
4.2.1. The Family System: Functions, Beliefs and Educational Styles
4.2.2. Conceptions, Needs and Family Orientation
4.2.3. Reaction to the Arrival at Home of a Child with a Disability
4.2.4. Family Attitudes Towards Disability
4.2.5. Inter- and Intra-Family Relationships
4.2.6. Shared Work Between Family and School
4.2.7. How to Optimize the Relationship Between Family and School?
4.3. Education of Children with Sensory Disabilities (Visual, Hearing and Deafblindness)
4.3.1. Education of Children with Visual Impairment
4.3.2. Education of Children with Hearing Impairment
4.3.3. Education of Children with Deafblindness
4.4. Education of Children with Physical and Organizational Disabilities
4.4.1. Definition of Physical and Organizational Disability
4.4.2. Spina Bifida
4.4.3. Spinal cord Injury
4.4.4. Physical Disability due to Disease
4.4.5. Special Educational Needs in Children with Physical Disabilities
4.4.6. Educational Response to Special Educational Needs for Children with Physical Disabilities
4.5. Education of Children with Motor Disabilities (Cerebral Palsy)
4.5.1. Basic Notions of Their Psychological Development
4.5.2. Personal Educational Needs: Personal, Material and Methodological Resources
4.5.3. Educational Response to Personal Educational Needs
4.6. Education of Children with Mental Disabilities
4.6.1. Definition of Mental Disability
4.6.2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
4.6.3. Mood and Anxiety Disorders
4.6.4. Special Educational Needs and Educational Response with Psychiatric Disabilities
4.7. Education of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
4.7.1. Basic Notions of Their Psychological Development
4.7.2. Personal Educational Needs: Personal, Material and Methodological Resources
4.7.3. Educational Response to Personal Educational Needs
4.8. The Education of a Child with a Developmental Disorder of Social Origin (Child Abuse)
4.8.1. Some Basic Notions of Psychological Development
4.8.2. Personal Educational Needs: Personal Resources, Materials, and Basic Orientations
4.8.3. Educational Response to Personal Educational Needs
4.9. Education of Children with Neurological Impairment (Dysexecutive Syndrome)
4.9.1. Dysexecutive Syndrome
4.9.2. Basic Notions of Psychological Development and the Central Nervous System
4.9.3. Personal Educational Needs
4.9.4. Educational Response to Personal Educational Needs
4.10. Financing of Special Education
4.10.1. Financing Special Education in Spain BORRAR
4.10.2. Models and Systems of Special Education Financing in Europe.
4.10.3. Complementary Financing to that of the Educational Administration
For an update on the schedule, please contact +971 4 342 3400 or email at info@filipinoacademyae.com