Microsoft office

Course Modules

Course Structure Lesson Modules
Computer Essential
    What is a Computer?
Hardware Basics
  • Basic Parts of a Computer
  • Buttons and Ports on a Computer
  • Inside a Computer
  • Laptop Computers
  • Mobile Devices
Software Basics
  • Understanding Operating Systems
  • Understanding Application
Using Windows 10
  • Getting Started with Windows Operating Systems
  • Personalizing your Desktop
  • Customazing the Start Menu
  • Making Windows System Feel more familiar
Excel Basic Module
  • Getting to know excel
  • Opening Workbook
  • Saving & Sharing Workbook
  • Cell Basics
  • Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells
  • Formatting Cells, Rows, and Columns
  • Worksheets Basics
  • Page Layout
  • Printing Workbooks
  • Simple Formulas
  • Complex Formulas
  • Relative and Absolute Cell References
  • Basic Functions
  • Freezing Panes and View Options
  • Sorting Data
  • Filtering Data
Word Basics
  • Getting Started with Word
  • Understanding OneDrive
  • Creating and Operating Documents
  • Saving and Sharing Documents
  • Working with text
  • text Basics
  • Formatting text
  • Using Find and Replace
  • Indents and Tabs
  • Lists
  • Hyperlinks
Layout & Printing
  • Page Layout
  • Printing Documents
Power Point Basic Module
  • Getting to know Powerpoint
  • Creating and Operating Presentations
  • Saving Presentations
  • Applying Themes
  • Applying Transitions
  • Managing Slides
  • Using Find & Replace
  • Printing Presentations
  • Inserting Pictures
  • Formatting Pictures
  • Presenting your slide Show